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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Tuesday, July 28, 2009
bukan highlights as in kasi warna rambut ni...

Highlights of the week(s)...

Hm... became ketua aras. tida penting juga...but it's big for me because i'm a shy girl. (beh!!!) hahaha...tiada-tiada

Got allergic shots at around 3 am on Sunday.... dad said I should quickly go to the hospital if I couldn't stand the itch, that's why 3 am. masa kena 2nd injection, menggigil ba badan. ahaha.....
and i'm not really sure if that was the effect that I should experience.

Er.... I eventually decided to take Macroeconomics anyway . Ya...9 subjects, 24 credit hours. Mantap!

Trip to Sarawak (for wajadiri) canceled... due to some technical difficulties. huhuhu... T_T
Well, at least canceled as far as I know la..... a bit confused on the details. @_@
Yang pasti memang saya tidak join pertandingan itu ....huhuhu....

Ramai member silat perempuan pengambilan sem ni.... x pa la klu kawan2 aku tu x join. ahahahaha...
mm... rasa mcm mau buat post pasal Silat Cekak la.... nanti la, ya.. :)

....that's all I can remember for now.

The tension hasn't really sunk in yet...
you know, about taking an extra subject and all the study related issues, but I do realize that I'm getting that lost feeling again..
Like, constantly asking myself what the hell I am supposed to study.

Takut pula nanti jadi macam last sem.

So that's all from this blogger.

To all my readers (if any), sorry for not posting a lot, and sorry for the confusion about the new blog with the new name and the new account.
It would take a lot of time to explain. Something which I don't really have much.

Alrighty then...bubye~! ^_^

speed test

38 perkataan

Speed test

3 tries! 38 words/minute! slow bha tu kan...dui....try la

Monday, July 13, 2009


Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm at Megalab now with Fara n Valerie.
Punya sejuk..!!!

What to write

I'm still in dilemma about taking extra subjects. I asked the Macroeconomics lecturer about this and he said I shouldn't take both Macro n Micro at the same time. "Not efficient", he half-jokingly said.
Yet want it or not, I already submitted the form to the dean's office.
Berserah pada takdir ja la skrg ni. :P

It's desk A47, and we're near the registration for second intake students. I saw my uncle over there, dealing with the students photographs.
"pandangan depan bha, bukan pandangan sisi"... sot. he's wearing a mask. sick, probably.
I even saw his friend take a picture of him with his hand in a peace sign. wakakaka.... sot punya uncle.

I have lab at 2, and also micro. I chose to go to the lab. Perhaps I'll see the Micro lecturer tomorrow. Kalau rajin. hahaha
Tonight got training again. surely I'll wake up late tomorrow.

That's all for now. No idea.
My tummy aches. It's too cold in here. Damn.

Hai... bila la kuar biasiswa ni.......

Thursday, July 9, 2009

21 it is

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It seems I'm not taking 9 subjects (24 credit hours) after all.
Ooh....that's Dr. Harun over there. (Haha...blogging di SST ni.)

I'm not taking Macro because, after putting much thought, I just don't think I can do it.
Biarlah.... extend pun extend la kan...

Yesterday, after Iffy went home, I went to SST. At the dean's office, a woman, whom I presume is his assistant, said that I should include my result with the form.
Perfect example of "malu bertanya, sesat jalan" haha
I should have asked first the staff first before sending it.
But, actually common sense juga mah....of course la they'd ask for last sem result.

The woman then said, "just send it here, and tomorrow just check at the office"... In Sabahan Malay la of course. haha
So I was feeling down enough that I just don't think I had the will to go to Kg. A and SST back again.
Plus, Valerie said she wanted to come to my room.
x pa la... :P


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

All time low

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Last semester, for some technical reasons, I couldn't register for 1 minor subject which is Microeconomics. Yet, instead of using the opportunity to achieve good results (since my credit hours was very low compared to my coursemates), I slacked off and I received an even lower results than the first semester.

This has taken its toll on my self-esteem and my confidence level which was already an all time low. Only a small number of people know my pointer.
And that's not including dearest Farid. (sorry...)
Sometimes I'm afraid of embarrassing him since he's such an achiever, much the opposite of myself.

Anyway, about the Microeconomics, now I have to take it this semester along with Macroeconomics.
That's TWO minors for this semester.
So if I sum up my credit hours, it's a total of 24.
Best of all, I have to take it ALONE.

But, that is, if the Dean of SST approves. I'm at the library now, and after Iffy goes home I'll be going to meet Dr. Harun to show him that Borang Pelepasan Jam Kredit. :P

I have no idea if this is the right thing to do. Almost everyone I asked said almost the same thing: "kalau boleh angkat, ambik seja la..."
True... but that didn't really help.
Of course, I have friends from SPE who can teach me some stuff, but I can't count on them all the time.
Yet if I don't take it this semester, then most probably I'd have to extend. 0_0 *gulp*

One more thing that worries me...
Come August, there will be a competition - wajadiri - held in Sarawak. I may (have to) be one of the participants in this event, since it was said that Sabah is sending the lowest number of representatives compared to the other states.
So because of that, we're going to have extra training hours. That, plus the 15 mins walk of Kg. A - Stadium UMS (to and from).
By the time we get back to our rooms, we'll be exhausted.
So tell me, how am I going to survive taking 9 subjects?

Yet Abang Arom (our trainer/penyelia) did say that they don't want students to excel more in silat than the academics.
Perhaps I could just withdraw?

Haiz... Jadi macam tu???

I think, to you, the answer might be obvious... tarik diri...

But I want to go to Sarawak!!! Bukan selalu tu dapat pegi...

Oh, dilemma~

Monday, July 6, 2009

1st day of 3rd sem

Monday, July 6, 2009
It wasn't much of a big deal for me initially, but it seems almost everyone had their say, so I thought I should say something too. ;P

Nothing much.

Today I checked out and in my the hostel... lol... I didn't check out last sem. bagus kan... Baru td check out..then check in blk baru.
After taking my keys, I went to my room...tough luck. I got Block E. There's not much view from our window... Probably just other people's windows and some grasses. And if I felt like having some air, the stairs is near our door...only that all I get to see is a huge tree, and below it there are those lines where you hang the laundry... (ampaian bha..haha)

Two of my old roommates got our old room back, and Mel is currently using my desk. uuuu T_T
I like that room... It had at least a little view of the city, and the block is nearest to the tangga besi. lol
It's ok though. I'll consider this a new adventure.. haha...tlgla. bilik baru ja pun kira adventure ka? haha

When I went into the room I met one of my roommates - a chinese girl named (I think) Hui Ting. I saw in the list that there's 3 1st years and 3 2nd years, and she's one of the 1st years. She said that all 1st years and one 2nd year girl checked in already, but 1 of the 1st years balik kampung. Besides me, there's one other person who haven't showed up yet.
She's OK la I think... Only a few minutes of acquaintance and already she asked me about what PPIB subject I took in the 1st sem. That's a good start. :P

Besok ada clas. Kimia dan Kimodinamik. Nevesnyaa...

I'm actually still at home. And the clothes are right in front of me... staring at me half-folded. wahahaha..... Pelik2 pula sda ayat2ku ini. Definite signs of drowsiness. lol
Alrighty then. I'll be off.
OMG...1.30 sudahh..??!!
OK... Toodles!

I think... this shall be a very interesting semester. :)


Thursday, July 2, 2009

ah...apa ada pada title.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kalau tgk blog ni macam malas suda saya post kan?
memang punnn.....

malas mo taip dlm BI skrg. NOT IN THE MOOD.

di saat ini la kan, byk lagi tag2 yg blum dibuat. sbab? Not in the mood.
kdg2 rasa mcm tag2 tu ibarat assignment yg berlambak...dan kawan2 facebook tu mcm lecturer, tidak2 henti2 memberikan kerja... haha
saya mmg sentiasa not in the mood akhir2 ini...
stress saja...rasanya itulah punca kondisi kulit muka yg semakin teruk. :P
saya sendiri juga tidak tahu kenapa saya berasa tertekan. Jadi jangan la buang masa tanya saya macam2.

minggu depan semester akan bermula. terus terang saya langsung tidak bersemangat untuk study. tapi saya harus teruskan juga untuk mendapatkan segulung ijazah.

nah, matikau.
buang tebiat suda.


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