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Sunday, March 29, 2009

balik UMS

Sunday, March 29, 2009
jam 10 sda. mo balik UMS diz...

da*n. the Home/About/Contact/FAQ thing didn't really have any function.
baru sedar...
is it beacause it's a wordpress theme?
mama panggil....
rehan... p makan...

and i said...
this is what internet does to you...
klu ble mw ja YM sma mama...
mls mw ckp.


bye :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Saturday, March 28, 2009
I hate my friends.

They r too nice. haha
I love them.
But I'm starting to drift away from my old friends. It's not just a matter of distance, but as time goes by, we start to think differently and I start to dislike the way they think and act. And I sort of used my being a U student as an excuse to not contact them often. And then I complained about my other friends for not replying my messages. Serves me right, I guess. I usually just SMS those who I'm comfortable with, or who I know what to ask about, not just those who I have a crush upon. Unfortunately, I believe some of them, might have, misunderstood. And I've realized long ago that probably some of them, also might have, tried to avoid me. Probably the person I'm talking about thought that I'm soooo into him. I admit I have some feelings for him (he is quite attractive), but I know it wasn't love. Or I believe so. He might have misinterpreted my signals or something. But, then again, probably it's just me.
Crap. I had to tell you it's a guy cuz this venting process wouldn't work if I don't. lol
I'm pretty sure he wouldn't read this anyway. =p
You know, sometimes I blame myself for choosing SMSM over MRSM. It seems I am not able to socialize properly with guys. LOL. But rest assured, I still think SMSM was good. I didn't really regret much of it. :)


I've heard a lot about friend problem these days, mostly about roommates. I wonder if it's related to final exam stress?
Why, oh why are they fighting??
We need to spread the love.. spread the lovvvvee~

p/s: we turned off our lights for an hour last night. but there were still some houses with lights on in my taman. oh well... probably they weren't too concerned about the environment, or probably they don't think it would actually help. I, myself was a little skeptic about this, but what the heck, 1 jam seja maa...tutup lmpu ja pun. bkan smua.

Yeah...I'm uning manglish again... that means I'm feeling A-OK!

Switch off to show that Malaysians are united

It was hard. Editing blog is damn hard. haha


Tonight will be the night we party in the dark... ow teda2 ni

So switch off your lights for one hour to show your vote for Earth.
8.30 pm, Saturday, 28th March 2009.
lights on shows your vote for global warming.
..or something like that.
for more info, log on to or click the banner above or below. Signup and show your support, and let us help reach the Malaysian target of 5 million sign-ups.

You can make a difference.


p/s: bru skrg mo buat post sal ni kan. bgus tul

Friday, March 27, 2009

blog under construction

Friday, March 27, 2009
i'm changing templates.
there have been complaints about how boring this blog looks.
sabar ging...
sy tukar ahh....klu boring jg sabar la...
maybe it's just me. haha

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

during break....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ecology and microbiology....

the very topic that i try to avoid in form 5 haunts me again this semester....

this time, it's a whole subject.

BAH... tidakpa... siuk juga ma pg fieldtrip.

tapi klu sda lab... fuh!! mo buat lab report tu yg agak perit ya... compile trus 4 weeks worth of la report.

hantar this friday... supposedly. then ada org ckp 23rd of march. ngam laitu... saya blum start satu pun. ahahaha

ok jg la... banding htr tiap mggu kan... is it???

bah... enuff with dat.

after this i got physics tutorial. at 2pm... about to get off. val n iffy are back from the toilet n packing stuff already. hoho

do drop some comments on in the shoutmix thingy, and please take ur time to answer the nuffnang survey. yoroshiku onegai itashimasu!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

at the library

Monday, March 16, 2009
at the library...

as said above...

doing nothing but chat...

using ebuddy...

c memeng bawa jln td, but...



c val mmanggil sda ni...

sian dia...


my bad! :P


lek arr val... jap lg kta balik aa...

owh...nama kwn aku valerie ya...



Monday, March 9, 2009

22% remaining...6 minutes to midnight

Monday, March 9, 2009
and i'm alone at the staircase...or so it seems...(?)

mo abis bat sda...smpat laie ni blogging...hoho
tgh flu lg tu...
just want 2 say something abt this blog.

notice those philosophical words up there? read them.

those banners or so I think that's what they're called on the right? click them.

ever noticed the game at the bottom of this page? well... play them!

ok la... the correct phrase would be "play it"..saja mo kasi rhyme. ahaha...
mmm...sjak msuk klas mndarin ni mcm lintang pukang sda bi... japanese language that i adored so much hv also been forgotten.. huhu...

i saw my friend's blog just now...and i linked it to the news i just heard from miche...
i felt like following her footsteps..
saya pun agak stres sda sbnarnya...
but i don't hate science..not just yet, at least...
very reluctant to do assignments n stuff.
i'm only happy at class bcause of the people in it.
i thought of changing my course...but change it to what?
my fault in the first place anyway..
if only i did my best in matric... then i would have more choices n i wouldn't be so down like this...

but whatever, right??
if they can do it, then so can i...

...i hope.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

i apologize

Sunday, March 8, 2009
hello n salam..

once again i've neglected this blog.. sorry bloggy.'s not that i have nothing to say.. it's just that i have TOO MUCH to talk about, with sooo little time. you know how much i like taking time in doing things. mo buat tag si alisa pun lupa ni. lupa ging. sori. trus macam teda sda visitor owh ni blog... alalala... kasian. even facebook n frenster pun terabai ni... bukan salah saya... semua salah assignment... ahaha
o ya...lupa jg mau ltak tu banner sumbangan utk Gaza....sama post si A.Farid. men lama sda tu....aiya....

hm... buat dlm point form la kali kan...haha...mcm sinopsis pla.
(arghh...sakit kapla...)

- mm...on 17-18 jan, I went to kota belud for ecology & microbiolgy fieldtrip. best jg la...
-the next day, 19th jan, my late-grandad (mum's dad) passed away. (al-Fatihah...)
-we held kenduri for 7 nights in a row.
-meanwhile, the minor subject that i was supposed to take this sem, tidak sempat ambik... have to take it next sem... ahaha.. mati la
-20-22nd feb, went to hutan lipur kawang... took samples of every species we could find... bes owh...the waterfall was perrrty... this reminds me. still got that poster assignment. habisla kna mrh si miche klu dia taw sy blogging...wakaka
- o ya.... i am now addicted to Yuna. she inspires me to seriously learn guitar. so please, doakanlah daku berjaya mempelajarinya... i've tried to like it since form 1... but couldn't. haha
-for today? tadi ada family day environmental science. it was very hot and sunny in the morning, and was raining heavily in the afternoon... and there were lots of activities. plus, we ate icecream during the rain. (i ate 2, courtesy of synta's unused coupon. hohoho...she went home after lunch, so she gave us the rest of the coupon) all of those resulted in a nasty headache... lgpun kami buat aksi mnggaru otak tadi di beach..that's what you get for head-banging your already dizzy head. hahaha... sure kamu blur apa sa ckp ni... bha garu la otak tu. lol
-em... words of advice... x bgus gaduh2, x bgus ckp blkg... n jgn pndai2 ckp org tu ckp blkg sbb ko pun buat bnda yg sama.haha~ so what's the point of me saying this? berdamailah kiranya ada perselisihan faham...people make mistakes. don't judge people harshly, or better yet, don't judge them at all. who are we to judge? if there's anything you don't like about a person, say it to that person's face. don't simply talk behind their backs (though that's naturally tempting to do)...don't make up stories about them as well. THAT is just pure evil.

bah. enough said. low bat ody this laptop.
you might have guessed it..i'm at my dorm's staircase, enduring the cool air and the smell of what we think is dog pee, cuz we saw this brownish mark at the wall near the floor. i'm sitting here with my dear friend Iffy, and she is now singing Bunga-bunga Cinta in a low voice. ngahaha...

p/s: sorry that i don't have any picture to upload. i just don't like uploading... for some reason.

take care everyone. :)


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