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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I think…

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I’m bored. i’m not in the mood to do assignments or worry about the exams (which begins at 1st Nov)…and i am kind upset, right now... all for the usual reasons.. firstly, BOYS.
i dunno... i get jealous when i see girls with their boyfriends, or SMSing their bfs, or else talking about them.
but ya know, it's pretty hard to find a decent one these days. Based on my observation, the cute ones are usually either poor, uneducated, very religious, or gay; the romantic ones are usually perverted; and the nice ones… well, they’re just too nice to play with…I can’t take them as boyfriends. Maybe I’ll pick one of them later. As a husband.. LOL..
so, now I’m thinking, the hell with it, ryte??...i can still live without a boyfriend, as long as i hav my girlfriends and guyfriends at my side... but then again, i'm still envious of my friends and their boyfriends. :P
boyfriends are FORBIDDEN for's rule, naturally. i know that that's typical for girls my age, and it also would be typical for girls my age to not care. tp…takut pla jd derhaka kan. Haha… Yet., mcm abg arom ckp yesterday…. Bukan derhaka, berbeza pdpt..hahaha :D
x pa…it’s still too early to have one anyway… baru sem 1. skrg ni main teman tp mesra ja la. Easier. No strings attached. Hahaha

there’s also the laptop and biasiswa dilemma. Haha… FINALLY… I got the money. But first I need to bayar hutang… huhhuu~ then I can buy myself a laptop. Unfortunately, I can’t buy the one I want. (acer aspire 4920, I think) tak cukup duit la…haha… I have to buy other stuff too, that’s why… LOTS of stuff. :D
so…perhaps I can upgrade it later on. The important thing is that I can surf and do my assignments with MY OWN laptop. Yes…

i'm also in love with KAMI right now. too bad they only made 8 episodes..that's even much less than Korean dramas. But it’s still ok. Less is more, I guess... I think they're not too awesome, but they're way cooler than the usual Malaysian series. They don’t totally speak English, and they don’t totally speak malay either. And they all speak in a natural way...well, I think so la. Conclusion: like''em..
and my GOD, Ali is so cute! i'm not a fan of his hair but it kinda suits him so i guess it's ok. I think his name is Ezani, and the one who played Abu is Nas-t. I’m sure I’ve seen them in a magazine somewhere (I don’t read magazines so much…cant remember). they're supposed to be, like, 16 or 17 yrs old in that story…form 4/5. ryte?? but they dress much nicer than i do. My GODness… I’m such a disgrace to the university students...haha

x pa.. tu semua duniawi.. LOL

owkayy… cheers everyone!

p/s: I forgot my ID n psword for the UMS portal. dang… I am so screwed!!!

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