Hmm... Take a look at the pictures below.
These were the keychains we got during the ES Family Day.

Perkara ini sinonim dengan diriku yang selalu dtg lambat.. wahaha
It's been like that since Primary School.... Yeah, I could almost see you nodding at what I just said. lol
Owh, there's one more thing. Ever heard of a song called Kura-kura by Jiaja? My friend bluetoothed it to me a few days ago. Haha... siuk pla lagu tu.
Kura2...pura2 malu.... rofl~ =))
Terasa berabis!!
*** To all readers, please fill in the nuffnang survey, and do drop some comments in the shoutmix chatbox. Thanks a bunch!
It's been like that since Primary School.... Yeah, I could almost see you nodding at what I just said. lol
Owh, there's one more thing. Ever heard of a song called Kura-kura by Jiaja? My friend bluetoothed it to me a few days ago. Haha... siuk pla lagu tu.
Kura2...pura2 malu.... rofl~ =))
Terasa berabis!!
*** To all readers, please fill in the nuffnang survey, and do drop some comments in the shoutmix chatbox. Thanks a bunch!
4 handsome replies:
ada dua ekor kura2 ...
best kan tu lagu. hihi~
best... haha
ko taw jg tu lagu? baru ja dgr ni.. hehe
Misa. Baru aku jumpa blog kau.
kalau sudi lawat2lah blog aku :
orait. will do. :D
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