The rules:
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random
things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be
tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
If I tagged you, it's because of no apparent reason. Just giving you some form of entertainment.
Dengan kata lain... kamu x buat pun x pa. :)
- I can b extremely moody at a certain time in a month. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. And FYI, now is that time. muhahaha
- If I don't like to do something, I'd still do it, just not properly.
- I'm super duper lazy.
- I'm scared of commitment. Yup2..
- I am afraid if someone I know founds this blog. That certain someone.
- I am no longer addicted to the stuff I was addicted to before. i.e. Harry Potter, Panic at the Disco, etc.... (still love them, though)
- I think I have OCD. Just not as obsessive n compulsive as Monk.
- I don't think I'm artsy at all. I think I'm going to give up the guitar again. For the third time, I think.
- I'm no good with people.
- It is said that I am the type that could be successful in everything I try. However, since I am No. 3, the opposite happens.
- I no longer like Nescafe 3in1. The smell makes me dizzy.
- I have posts under "no point whatsoever" just to keep this blog alive.
- Currently, I am easily attracted to the color pink n red... and purple is still number one. (I used to hate those two colors)
- When I don't like someone, I would drift away. Ironically, I don't like people doing the same to me. Yes, I am cruel and selfish. Like I said, I am no good with people.
- My confidence level right now is zero. Probably because of No.1.
- There are times when we need our time alone. I need lots of those times. However, I like having people around. Confusing?
- I'm not good at most things that require strategy. (mcm chess ka...) probably because it requires patience. I lack that as well.
- Maybe because of No.17, I don't like sports. Except for silat...and jogging... tu pun jrg ni...
- I am extremely shy with men. mm... tida jg extremely la. but i am shy.. shy2 cat. miaow~
- Goals? mm... I want to earn lots of money & travel. Klu ada laki kaya bgus jg tu.. wahaha.. xbha. :P
- Sometimes it's good to have my siblings in silat. Sometimes... :P
- I don't like to upload pictures anymore because I think it needs a lot of time n effort... especially if I need to edit them.
- I used to worry about taking pictures of myself, because my pictures usually turn out bad. (nda ble bt...) Sometimes, it's because of a certain feature of my face. But now, thanks to kind-hearted friends, mm... I'll say no more. haha
- I rarely make the first move... (x kira la... friends, girls or boys, whatever la) Sebab? Takut kuyak. hahaha... mcm silat cekak pla. menunggu serangan. haha
- This post required approximately 12 hours for me to finish. :P It takes me forever to explain about myself. Klu explen org len sng siiikit.
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