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Friday, April 3, 2009

I did 16. Now it's 25.

Friday, April 3, 2009
Lama suda c alisa tag ni... mau 2 bln sda kali. haha.. sory2. lupee..

The rules:
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random
things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be
tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

If I tagged you, it's because of no apparent reason. Just giving you some form of entertainment.

Dengan kata lain... kamu x buat pun x pa. :)

  1. I can b extremely moody at a certain time in a month. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. And FYI, now is that time. muhahaha
  2. If I don't like to do something, I'd still do it, just not properly.
  3. I'm super duper lazy.
  4. I'm scared of commitment. Yup2..
  5. I am afraid if someone I know founds this blog. That certain someone.
  6. I am no longer addicted to the stuff I was addicted to before. i.e. Harry Potter, Panic at the Disco, etc.... (still love them, though)
  7. I think I have OCD. Just not as obsessive n compulsive as Monk.
  8. I don't think I'm artsy at all. I think I'm going to give up the guitar again. For the third time, I think.
  9. I'm no good with people.
  10. It is said that I am the type that could be successful in everything I try. However, since I am No. 3, the opposite happens.
  11. I no longer like Nescafe 3in1. The smell makes me dizzy.
  12. I have posts under "no point whatsoever" just to keep this blog alive.
  13. Currently, I am easily attracted to the color pink n red... and purple is still number one. (I used to hate those two colors)
  14. When I don't like someone, I would drift away. Ironically, I don't like people doing the same to me. Yes, I am cruel and selfish. Like I said, I am no good with people.
  15. My confidence level right now is zero. Probably because of No.1.
  16. There are times when we need our time alone. I need lots of those times. However, I like having people around. Confusing?
  17. I'm not good at most things that require strategy. (mcm chess ka...) probably because it requires patience. I lack that as well.
  18. Maybe because of No.17, I don't like sports. Except for silat...and jogging... tu pun jrg ni...
  19. I am extremely shy with men. mm... tida jg extremely la. but i am shy.. shy2 cat. miaow~
  20. Goals? mm... I want to earn lots of money & travel. Klu ada laki kaya bgus jg tu.. wahaha.. xbha. :P
  21. Sometimes it's good to have my siblings in silat. Sometimes... :P
  22. I don't like to upload pictures anymore because I think it needs a lot of time n effort... especially if I need to edit them.
  23. I used to worry about taking pictures of myself, because my pictures usually turn out bad. (nda ble bt...) Sometimes, it's because of a certain feature of my face. But now, thanks to kind-hearted friends, mm... I'll say no more. haha
  24. I rarely make the first move... (x kira la... friends, girls or boys, whatever la) Sebab? Takut kuyak. hahaha... mcm silat cekak pla. menunggu serangan. haha
  25. This post required approximately 12 hours for me to finish. :P It takes me forever to explain about myself. Klu explen org len sng siiikit.

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