Sejak kemunculan Yunalis Mat Zarai, aku stat balik blajar gitar. Maybe her appearance with the tudung encouraged my to start it again. Heh..guilty.
I often gave up before, cause my fingers would hurt so much! And it's very hard to change chords... I don't think that I'm a natural, but it's only been a few months since I started, so let's just see how it goes. But still, sakit!!! haha..
For now, I guess I can play Perhaps, After Midnight, and Dan Sebenarnya, all by Yuna. But only the simple strumming la... Tu pun x smooth lg... Still can't strum and sing at the same time. hahaha
Maybe after a few months, I'll upload the audio of what I can sing. lol
Boo~ Show off!! Men gitar pun mo kestaw...
Well, that's what blogs are for. haha
*sory to disappoint you, valval... the next post, maybe.. hehe
Please wait for the continuation of Jodohku dangan Kura2.. hahaha
2 handsome replies:
haha..bha,nnt aq men gtr,k0 nyanyi..k0 kn artis..hehe..kta buat lg,kura2 saja j0d0hku..huahuahua..
haha...kureng tul.
tak gune la ngko ni..
bha..ko men gtar aa... mls aku mo men. tp bla la pla ko pndai main ni pul?? nda aku tau. haha
bahasa phenjajahh??
owh... english, eh? not free, k.. 1 BA donut each lesson. hohoho... klu ko bjaya master tu bahasa ko blnja aku SR pla la. ^0^
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