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Monday, December 22, 2008

16 random things

Monday, December 22, 2008
Tagged by Bro Paival

I just so happened to visit my brother's blog and saw that I got tagged. Hm... never done this before. :D

You can do it in your blog, or your Facebook notes. Do it in English, but malay pun boleh if u want. :D

  1. Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
  2. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
  3. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
  4. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

My Rule: mesti buat!
  1. When I was a kid, I used to want to think like a grown-up, but I grew up being childish.
  2. I love food. I can eat almost anything as long as they're halal and delicious. I usually finish up the food if my roommates couldn't.
  3. I love cats. I have an adorable cat named Obi.
  4. I can only cook simple stuff, like rice, scrambled eggs, fried rice, etc. and only a few hours ago did I managed to cook the cabbage without mom's help. :D
  5. I only started blogging because my friend does it, and it got serious because I found out about nuffnang. :D
  6. My friends tend to seek me for their love problem. I have no idea why, because I only ever had two relationships before, and they weren't actually successful. (Perhaps it's because I don't seem to have any problem with them at all?)
  7. I have this problem with my confidence level, so if you've met me in person, you should notice that I may talk a lot to certain people only. Yet in some cases, I can get along with people after a few minutes. Sometimes, chemistry is all it takes. :D
  8. I got flu a few days ago. I think I've infected the whole family. (Including the kitten.)
  9. I'm a perfectionist, but not the type that would definitely get things my way, no. It's just that I would get annoyed (like totally annoyed) when things aren't in order. I used to count my footsteps when I was little. I think it's a syndrome thingy, not sure. But it may be why I take time to do things.
  10. I like to laugh. You'd probably notice on my messages, or friendster bulletin, or anywhere my words could be seen, that there would be a lot of Haha's, Hehe's, or Hihi's. I just don't like being gloomy. That's all.
  11. I love my family. I love my friends. Enough said.
  12. As my brother have mentioned, all of my siblings enjoy anime (especially Naruto) and rock music. However, I am the only one who cannot play any instrument. The closest I have ever been into music was the nasyid competition back in Labuan Matriculation College, where I was one of the lead and we got 4th place.
  13. My life-long dream was to learn how to play piano and sing A Thousand Miles and White Houses by Vanessa Carlton. I also want to learn guitar and drum...just don't have the spirit. :D
  14. I like to share stories, but I sometimes exaggerate a little. :P
  15. I am not a morning person.
  16. I love Secret Recipe cakes, Big Apple donuts, Famous Amos cookies, McD's double cheeseburger, KFC's cheesy wedges, Cadbury chocolates, mamatua's kelupis and my mom's kuih makmur!!!
Finally...very hard oh diz. Finding people for me to tag is very hard also.

So I'm tagging..
  1. Norif Paival Yahya
  2. Farhana Poniman
  3. Valentino
  4. Herda
  5. Lhye Fara
  6. Nurulah Ernesto
  7. Jin Kuning
  8. Fatin Nadiah
  9. Sahariful Rizal
  10. Feeqah Ridzwan
  11. Ma Rk
  12. Junior Isidto
  13. Hafizah Yakubah
  14. Fara Yahya
  15. Ashaan Niyas
  16. Nazierah Najmuddin

thank you!

2 handsome replies:

Valsonz said...

alamak.. Nanti la sia buat k.. haha..

misa said...

i'm waiting val. hehhe

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