I think I had flu since the day before yesterday, and it wasn't fun - especially when you're trying to enjoy Big Apple's donuts and Daytona. I went out yesterday with 2 of my cousins to Centrepoint and Warisan Square, and joined my mom, aunt and some cousins at 1Borneo. Then me and the 2 cousins went in the Rainforest (which cost RM5) and played games (RM10 each person!).. memang cekik darah ba 1B ni...If only we stayed at CP, we could at least save a few ringgit. I mean, with the amount of money we spent yesterday, we could watch TWO movies if we want to. And what's with the card system? RM3 deposit and RM10 for a card? we could only played 10 times with it. Kalau RM10=20 token oo d CP..WTH la diz... Nevertheless, one should appreciate a new experience. hehh :P We took a lot of pictures, too. Can't complain about that. But I haven't got my hands on the pictures just yet.
After I went home last night, I went straight to bed and endured the fever the whole night. I woke up at 5 and I am A-OK! Except for the runny nose and the occasional throbbing on my head, of course. This is what we call 'ketulahan'. My friend told me I could get sick (for staying up until morning) but I wouldn't listen. I've learned my lesson now. lol
I forgot to blog about something. I went out with my cousins on Wednesday, too. Me, Ain, and Ejum.

Me + Ejum
This was my favorite picture that day. I looked weird in the other pictures. I looked weird here, too, but that's the point. :P
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