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Saturday, August 15, 2009

not in my best mood

Saturday, August 15, 2009
updates, updates, here they are!

You know us girls, we have our mood swings, and I'm currently in one. Lucky for you, I'm not the cursing type... I mean, it's sooooo uncool if all you do is say cursing words when you're angry. No offense everyone. But to be frank, I am actually trying very hard to suppress my urge to curse to everyone in the vicinity. lol

kenapa saya bad mood?? hm... multiple reasons.


My handphone is seriously, seriously not working right. Well, actually just the mic and the scroll. It's nokia 5300, so it has those music player button on the sides - they're not working too. Guess it's because of the cable inside. These things happen to slide phones. Seems like it isn't such a big deal, right? However, I already bought a new handphone... Idiot. I know.
It's not here yet. My brother bought it in KL, and my cousin will bring it back here on Tuesday.


ah....biasa laa...
Surely you know how it feels when you suddenly get a huge amount of money and then suddenly it's gone. Sucks so bad.
Tapi x apa... itu semua dunia! haha...
There was also an atm card problem a few hours ago. But it's all resolved. Thank goodness!
(Salah tekan no. pin sj... tapi punya bikin takut.. haha)


There are also stuff that I totally and absolutely cannot share in my blog. lol

demo silat cekak

It was ok but I didn't do too well for my part. But at least the crowd liked it, right?
It didn't actually dampened my mood that much..I just felt the need to share it here. hehehe

And here's the video. :)

**Credits to Elias for uploading the video**

Guess which one is me... :D (Sepa yg tau tu diam2 la....ahaha)
memalukan -_-

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