I know this is ridiculous, but since about early 2008, the number 26 occurred a lot to me. It didn't occur to me again after I went to UMS until these last few months.
Just now I looked at the clock of my laptop and saw that it was 12.26 am. And then my eyes just automatically looked at the clock an hour later. 1.26 am.
While I was looking for lyrics, I saw a human calendar at a blog. It just seemed to attract me for awhile. Then I realize what date it is today.
26 May 2009.
I immediately searched for the calendar and put it here. :D
And then, my boyfriend. My boyfriend...
He was born on the 20th of June.. I know it's not 26... But close enough. 20/06, right?
x dpt tdur.
It's been 2 hours. It still feels like I'm having a heart attack again.
Not a real one, don't worry.
kenapala aku post benda merepek ni...
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Salam n hello to all handsome readers!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
So sad
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hey ya folks! Salam n good day to u all...
I've just added the followers gadget. So if u think this blog is interesting and would like to get updates from this blog, simply click the "follow" button that is currently situated on the right-hand side.
klu x, xpala...
oh so sad... punya sikit follower... huhu..
seh. minta simpati. punya buruk perangai... haha
right. mo sambung tgk gossip girl dulu...
cheers! :)
I've just added the followers gadget. So if u think this blog is interesting and would like to get updates from this blog, simply click the "follow" button that is currently situated on the right-hand side.
klu x, xpala...
oh so sad... punya sikit follower... huhu..
seh. minta simpati. punya buruk perangai... haha
right. mo sambung tgk gossip girl dulu...
cheers! :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ujian BM : tagged by Aida
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I think I'm supposes to answer this in full malay. haha
here goes...
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
orang2 yg baik.... (cehh!! hehe)
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
bunyi yang dikeluarkan oleh televisyen.
3. Mungkin saya patut:
mandi sekarang. (eiw?)
4. Saya suka :
menaip perkara yang tidak penting.
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
tidak berada di sini. :(
6.Saya tak paham :
kenapa saya malas.
7.Saya kehilangan :
keupayaan untuk berfikir dengan waras ketika ini.
8.Ramai yang berkata :
kami nampak manis bersama. Terima Kasih saya ucapkan. haha
9.Makna nama saya :
Maksud Nor ialah 'cahaya', saya tidak tahu apakah maksud 'Hamisah', dan kalau tidak silap, maksud 'Raihan' ialah bunga mawar yang harum.
10.Cinta itu adalah :
suatu perkataan yang mempunyai banyak maksud. hehe
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
makan malam?
12.Saya akan cuba :
menjawab soalan-soalan ini.
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
jangka masa yang lama.
14.Telefon bimbit saya :
ada di atas meja.
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
saya akan baring untuk jangka masa yang lama sebelum bangun dari katil.
16.Saya paling meluat apabila :
orang bermusuhan. bikin panas
17.Pesta/Parti adalah :
sesuatu yang saya jarang hadiri
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
Obi. haha
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
18-19 tahun. :)
20.Hari ini :
mood saya kurang baik.
21.Malam ini saya akan :
menonton Gossip Girl lagi.
22.Esok pula saya akan :
menonton Gossip Girl lagi. hahaha
23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :
restu ibubapa saya. (wow!) hahahaha
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
saya terpandang bekas-bekas jerawat yang jelas kelihatan. huhuhu
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
ialah tempat yang menyeronokkan dan juga menyesakkan bagi saya.
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
kedua-duanya boleh memuaskan selera saya sekiranya halal.
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
...mana2 ja la...
28.Makanan segera adalah :
amat sedap tetapi tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
"Tutup pintu?" kata saya yang mempersoal arahan ibu saya. haha
30.Siapa yang anda nak Tag?
saya juga tidak tahu....
here goes...
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
orang2 yg baik.... (cehh!! hehe)
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
bunyi yang dikeluarkan oleh televisyen.
3. Mungkin saya patut:
mandi sekarang. (eiw?)
4. Saya suka :
menaip perkara yang tidak penting.
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
tidak berada di sini. :(
6.Saya tak paham :
kenapa saya malas.
7.Saya kehilangan :
keupayaan untuk berfikir dengan waras ketika ini.
8.Ramai yang berkata :
kami nampak manis bersama. Terima Kasih saya ucapkan. haha
9.Makna nama saya :
Maksud Nor ialah 'cahaya', saya tidak tahu apakah maksud 'Hamisah', dan kalau tidak silap, maksud 'Raihan' ialah bunga mawar yang harum.
10.Cinta itu adalah :
suatu perkataan yang mempunyai banyak maksud. hehe
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
makan malam?
12.Saya akan cuba :
menjawab soalan-soalan ini.
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
jangka masa yang lama.
14.Telefon bimbit saya :
ada di atas meja.
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
saya akan baring untuk jangka masa yang lama sebelum bangun dari katil.
16.Saya paling meluat apabila :
orang bermusuhan. bikin panas
17.Pesta/Parti adalah :
sesuatu yang saya jarang hadiri
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
Obi. haha
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
18-19 tahun. :)
20.Hari ini :
mood saya kurang baik.
21.Malam ini saya akan :
menonton Gossip Girl lagi.
22.Esok pula saya akan :
menonton Gossip Girl lagi. hahaha
23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :
restu ibubapa saya. (wow!) hahahaha
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
saya terpandang bekas-bekas jerawat yang jelas kelihatan. huhuhu
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
ialah tempat yang menyeronokkan dan juga menyesakkan bagi saya.
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
kedua-duanya boleh memuaskan selera saya sekiranya halal.
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
...mana2 ja la...
28.Makanan segera adalah :
amat sedap tetapi tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
"Tutup pintu?" kata saya yang mempersoal arahan ibu saya. haha
30.Siapa yang anda nak Tag?
saya juga tidak tahu....
Update on Sis' Wedding
Finally! I'm done with sticking names on invitation cards. I guess, what's left are the gifts and the spring-cleaning. I can't wait for another family picture on the pelamin... Something like this one below. What do u call it anyway, stage?? apa2 la..
Taken on 29th November 08. My brother n sis-in-law.

The wedding's on 30th May 09, btw. I've only just invited a few of my friends, because I needed to put Sis', dad's, and mom's people as the priority. My dearest bestfriend, the one who didn't actually read this blog, and also the one who is currently (and I mean right now) in UiTM Penang, will not be attending that day. I don't mind that much, just as long as she doesn't miss my wedding... and I'm dead serious about my wedding day. ngahahahaha
more updates about this soon..!
only on TU. :)
more updates about this soon..!
only on TU. :)
Gossip Girl S 2 | American Idol S 8
Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.
These last few days I've been obsessing over Gossip Girl. I mean, not really obsessing... They just got me curious...and the people are 'effing' hot. lol... smbarang ja.
These last few days I've been obsessing over Gossip Girl. I mean, not really obsessing... They just got me curious...and the people are 'effing' hot. lol... smbarang ja.
I watch it whenever I'm free, iaitu setiap masa ya... Makan pun GG, masa lekat2 nama pun GG jg..
I've just finished watching the 9th ep of 2nd season... I want more...!
I'm going to continue downloading after this. ;p
I've just finished watching the 9th ep of 2nd season... I want more...!
I'm going to continue downloading after this. ;p
...I can't really find these pictures in the actual website. I found these using yahoo search. ahaha
I'm not really a fan of American Idol, but I think I like the finalists for this season. Both are...erm.. good-looking. heheh.. (mesti hati-hati pilih pkataan..hahaha)
Adam Lambert
...somehow he reminds me of Sylar.
...and also of the guy who used to be the host for Ripley's Believe It Or Not, who was also the "Superman"..ingat?
The Winner of American Idol Season 8, Kris Allen. Ain't he adorable with that guitar?
you know you love me..
misa. hahaha
I'm not really a fan of American Idol, but I think I like the finalists for this season. Both are...erm.. good-looking. heheh.. (mesti hati-hati pilih pkataan..hahaha)
...somehow he reminds me of Sylar.
...and also of the guy who used to be the host for Ripley's Believe It Or Not, who was also the "Superman"..ingat?
xbha2..men2 ja.. :P
you know you love me..
misa. hahaha
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Jodohku dengan Kura2 - part 2
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm trying to get used to the status change.
Feels weird. Just so weird.
I actually have a boyfriend again. It is such a weird feeling.
I know I complained a lot about not being able to have a bf, but when I told my mum, she said nothing but...
"bt apa ada boifren, mc blajar lg?!"
then she went on about my sis' invitation card...
So, I just assume that that's an OK. lol
Ntahla...nti tnya balik... My parents are a bit stressed out about sis' wedding. So I'll just steer clear of the zone, for now..before any bomb starts to go off.
Need I say who it is?
Naah... Let's just call him Kura2 for now. Cause it'd be better if you asked me myself, right? :D
So what's with the Kura2 thing? Well, he was the one who gave me that kuma2 stuffed toy, and he was also the one who bluetoothed me the song... I have no idea why, but he's so crazy about Kuma2. (I meant the stuffed toy).
Now, how do I begin to describe this guy?
Hmm.. I can see that he's a very nice guy, and he definitely tried very hard...
Hmm.. malasla mo crta smwa. Klu mo taw tnya cdri la ba... haha
I'm not sure how long it'll last, so I'm trying to take things as slow as possible... I don't want it to be the "easy come, easy go" type of relationship, cause it would seem like we're simply fooling around. That's one of the things that bothers me, not because of him, but because of me.
Knowing myself, I'm just not sure I would be as faithful.
Think positive ja la... haha ;p
Anyways, we hang out for 4 days in a row before he went back to Sandakan. He's now in Tawau, and I believe it's for "Program Siswa Prihatin". He said he wanted to come here for sis' wedding day, but I told him not to. Gila la... Sda la berjam2 klu gna jln... tket kapal pun bkan murah.
They're pillows, btw. My hp chain is now on my bag, cause the ribbon that's holding the string to the pillow is about to break off.
I also bought a new bag when I went out with him. Murah seja... And what attracted me was the words....
Can you see it?? That's the mini pillow over there... :D
I needed to replace my old bag. There's this weird purple-blue blot as big as a 50 cent coin on my sling bag. I have no idea where I got that. And I loved that bag! It's simple and I bought it with my mum... Huhuu.... T.T
Feels weird. Just so weird.
I actually have a boyfriend again. It is such a weird feeling.
I know I complained a lot about not being able to have a bf, but when I told my mum, she said nothing but...
"bt apa ada boifren, mc blajar lg?!"
then she went on about my sis' invitation card...
So, I just assume that that's an OK. lol
Ntahla...nti tnya balik... My parents are a bit stressed out about sis' wedding. So I'll just steer clear of the zone, for now..before any bomb starts to go off.
Need I say who it is?
Naah... Let's just call him Kura2 for now. Cause it'd be better if you asked me myself, right? :D
So what's with the Kura2 thing? Well, he was the one who gave me that kuma2 stuffed toy, and he was also the one who bluetoothed me the song... I have no idea why, but he's so crazy about Kuma2. (I meant the stuffed toy).
Now, how do I begin to describe this guy?
Hmm.. I can see that he's a very nice guy, and he definitely tried very hard...
Hmm.. malasla mo crta smwa. Klu mo taw tnya cdri la ba... haha
I'm not sure how long it'll last, so I'm trying to take things as slow as possible... I don't want it to be the "easy come, easy go" type of relationship, cause it would seem like we're simply fooling around. That's one of the things that bothers me, not because of him, but because of me.
Knowing myself, I'm just not sure I would be as faithful.
Think positive ja la... haha ;p
Anyways, we hang out for 4 days in a row before he went back to Sandakan. He's now in Tawau, and I believe it's for "Program Siswa Prihatin". He said he wanted to come here for sis' wedding day, but I told him not to. Gila la... Sda la berjam2 klu gna jln... tket kapal pun bkan murah.
They're pillows, btw. My hp chain is now on my bag, cause the ribbon that's holding the string to the pillow is about to break off.
I also bought a new bag when I went out with him. Murah seja... And what attracted me was the words....
Can you see it?? That's the mini pillow over there... :D
I needed to replace my old bag. There's this weird purple-blue blot as big as a 50 cent coin on my sling bag. I have no idea where I got that. And I loved that bag! It's simple and I bought it with my mum... Huhuu.... T.T
Friday, May 15, 2009
Nowhere near cool.
Friday, May 15, 2009
It's one of those days again. Everything feels so wrong and I doubt every choice I made. I'm warning you. This is an emotional post. Don't read it if you can't handle it.
Ever since I can remember, I was always this quiet girl, always trying to be best at everything I try. I get easily bored, and I hated working hard when I think of the possibility that my hard work would be of no use whatsoever. I was never sure of myself, and it sucks when people think that doing good means trying to suck up to people. And, probably, because of that, I never knew how to express the way I feel towards people, cause everything feels so awkward when I try to be honest about the way I feel. I never knew how to be friendly to people, but perhaps that's just an excuse to stop socializing.
That is so wrong.
I hated the old me, in other words, when I was in school. I also hated almost everyone that had anything to do with me back then. Cause remembering them just reminds me of who I was.
Now, that is also wrong. But I can't help it, and I can't justify why I hate them.
I made a fresh start when I went to matric. I tried to turn things around.
New hair, check. Positive attitude, check. Unlimited cuteness, check!
Naah...kidding about the last one. But I guess I succeeded in making friends, and I tried lots of new stuff. New friends, new way of learning, new handphone, tried having a bf, met old friends, and I became good friends with an old classmate that I rarely spoke to when we were classmates. C naz la bha tu. haha...
To conclude, I became friendlier than I ever was before. But still the silent type la..at the beginning. Always, when I hangout with friends and reminisce about the past, they would say almost the same thing....
"Dulu masa mula2 nampak c misa ni, diam sja dia, malu2 ja dia mo bcakap. Skarang suda kenal....huh..."
Yeah, they can't stand me. I wouldn't stop bullying them. haha... I luv them. Mish them. Feel sorry for them, for having a friend like me. Tough luck, people. lol
Now I'm in UMS, and this time, I realized that I would meet more people, so I tried opening up even more. I wouldn't say that I'm popular or anything, but at least I found a few sets of new friends. They're very nice people, and sometimes I feel like I'm taking advantage of their kindness without really meaning to. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to meet these people and I can't seem to thank them enough.
There's no need to mention any names here. So if you think I'm talking about you, just give yourself a pat on the back, why dontcha? You've done well. hehe..
Yet, I have to say that I am still the same old awkward self, only with more friends. I guess that's just who I am.
I hope I'm doing okay with the progresses I made.
lol... This post actually looks funny when I read it again. punya emo... haha
Ever since I can remember, I was always this quiet girl, always trying to be best at everything I try. I get easily bored, and I hated working hard when I think of the possibility that my hard work would be of no use whatsoever. I was never sure of myself, and it sucks when people think that doing good means trying to suck up to people. And, probably, because of that, I never knew how to express the way I feel towards people, cause everything feels so awkward when I try to be honest about the way I feel. I never knew how to be friendly to people, but perhaps that's just an excuse to stop socializing.
That is so wrong.
I hated the old me, in other words, when I was in school. I also hated almost everyone that had anything to do with me back then. Cause remembering them just reminds me of who I was.
Now, that is also wrong. But I can't help it, and I can't justify why I hate them.
I made a fresh start when I went to matric. I tried to turn things around.
New hair, check. Positive attitude, check. Unlimited cuteness, check!
Naah...kidding about the last one. But I guess I succeeded in making friends, and I tried lots of new stuff. New friends, new way of learning, new handphone, tried having a bf, met old friends, and I became good friends with an old classmate that I rarely spoke to when we were classmates. C naz la bha tu. haha...
To conclude, I became friendlier than I ever was before. But still the silent type la..at the beginning. Always, when I hangout with friends and reminisce about the past, they would say almost the same thing....
"Dulu masa mula2 nampak c misa ni, diam sja dia, malu2 ja dia mo bcakap. Skarang suda kenal....huh..."
Yeah, they can't stand me. I wouldn't stop bullying them. haha... I luv them. Mish them. Feel sorry for them, for having a friend like me. Tough luck, people. lol
Now I'm in UMS, and this time, I realized that I would meet more people, so I tried opening up even more. I wouldn't say that I'm popular or anything, but at least I found a few sets of new friends. They're very nice people, and sometimes I feel like I'm taking advantage of their kindness without really meaning to. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to meet these people and I can't seem to thank them enough.
There's no need to mention any names here. So if you think I'm talking about you, just give yourself a pat on the back, why dontcha? You've done well. hehe..
Yet, I have to say that I am still the same old awkward self, only with more friends. I guess that's just who I am.
I hope I'm doing okay with the progresses I made.
lol... This post actually looks funny when I read it again. punya emo... haha
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
oh gitar
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sejak kemunculan Yunalis Mat Zarai, aku stat balik blajar gitar. Maybe her appearance with the tudung encouraged my to start it again. Heh..guilty.
I often gave up before, cause my fingers would hurt so much! And it's very hard to change chords... I don't think that I'm a natural, but it's only been a few months since I started, so let's just see how it goes. But still, sakit!!! haha..
For now, I guess I can play Perhaps, After Midnight, and Dan Sebenarnya, all by Yuna. But only the simple strumming la... Tu pun x smooth lg... Still can't strum and sing at the same time. hahaha
Maybe after a few months, I'll upload the audio of what I can sing. lol
Boo~ Show off!! Men gitar pun mo kestaw...
Well, that's what blogs are for. haha
*sory to disappoint you, valval... the next post, maybe.. hehe
Please wait for the continuation of Jodohku dangan Kura2.. hahaha
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