I’m bored. i’m not in the mood to do assignments or worry about the exams (which begins at 1st Nov)…and i am kind of...mm... upset, right now... all for the usual reasons.. firstly, BOYS.
i dunno... i get jealous when i see girls with their boyfriends, or SMSing their bfs, or else talking about them.
but ya know, it's pretty hard to find a decent one these days. Based on my observation, the cute ones are usually either poor, uneducated, very religious, or gay; the romantic ones are usually perverted; and the nice ones… well, they’re just too nice to play with…I can’t take them as boyfriends. Maybe I’ll pick one of them later. As a husband.. LOL..
so, now I’m thinking, the hell with it, ryte??...i can still live without a boyfriend, as long as i hav my girlfriends and guyfriends at my side... but then again, i'm still envious of my friends and their boyfriends. :P
boyfriends are FORBIDDEN for me...mom's rule, naturally. i know that that's typical for girls my age, and it also would be typical for girls my age to not care. tp…takut pla jd derhaka kan. Haha… Yet., mcm abg arom ckp yesterday…. Bukan derhaka, berbeza pdpt..hahaha :D
x pa…it’s still too early to have one anyway… baru sem 1. skrg ni main teman tp mesra ja la. Easier. No strings attached. Hahaha
there’s also the laptop and biasiswa dilemma. Haha… FINALLY… I got the money. But first I need to bayar hutang… huhhuu~ then I can buy myself a laptop. Unfortunately, I can’t buy the one I want. (acer aspire 4920, I think) tak cukup duit la…haha… I have to buy other stuff too, that’s why… LOTS of stuff. :D
so…perhaps I can upgrade it later on. The important thing is that I can surf and do my assignments with MY OWN laptop. Yes…
i'm also in love with KAMI right now. too bad they only made 8 episodes..that's even much less than Korean dramas. But it’s still ok. Less is more, I guess... I think they're not too awesome, but they're way cooler than the usual Malaysian series. They don’t totally speak English, and they don’t totally speak malay either. And they all speak in a natural way...well, I think so la. Conclusion: like'em..like'em..
and my GOD, Ali is so cute! i'm not a fan of his hair but it kinda suits him so i guess it's ok. I think his name is Ezani, and the one who played Abu is Nas-t. I’m sure I’ve seen them in a magazine somewhere (I don’t read magazines so much…cant remember). they're supposed to be, like, 16 or 17 yrs old in that story…form 4/5. ryte?? but they dress much nicer than i do. My GODness… I’m such a disgrace to the university students...haha
x pa.. tu semua duniawi.. LOL
owkayy… cheers everyone!
p/s: I forgot my ID n psword for the UMS portal. dang… I am so screwed!!!
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
lots of surprises, plentiful of fears
Sunday, October 12, 2008
a lot has been going on lately....
i've learned, or else realized, a lot facts these days. for one, i jz found out about smthing that's been going on for about a month now. what i fear is that it might've involved me, without myself realizing it. what saddens me is that i was kept in the dark about this. but, yeah..mayb she had her own reason for not telling me so it's ok i guess.
and then there's this 1 person i used to hate, which i decided 2 forgive, that had made me dislike him again. the thing is, even if i nvr was in love, that person had said a lot of things and had boldly promised a lot as well...and that made me angry because it seems like i really was jz another girl to him. and i can't believe i actually felt sorry for him. i see his true colors now...i guess i made the right decision. THANK GOD. :)
and then there's another guy. as usual. (hey...u can't blame me for being a girl. :D) the whole thing seemed to b funny at first, but now that it's over, i cant help being awkward evrytime we meet. i guess we were nvr meant 2 b. (aww..) and he was, and still is, just a friend. so please dont misinterpret my codes...aite?
and then there's an OTHER friend of mine...and i only like him as a friend. just friends. and it's another fear of mine that i might've lead him on..u know, let his hopes up. and i SWEAR i never meant for it to b like that. it's been fun being friends with him.
u know what else i'm afraid of? FINALS. i havent studied yet. at all. and then there's the presentation and assignments and midterms. i mean, who does a midterm exam on the end of the term? like, WTH?? and he just decided to give us assignments. right when i thought the torture is over... owh and about the asgmts? i've been keeping most of the notes, references and asgmnts i had in my 2GB kingmax pendrive and it's GONE. now i'm not really sure what 2 do cuz the english essay is due this week.. i left it in BK4 last friday... during all the excitement of sharing kuih i actually forgot the darn pndrive. it's a good thing i get to borrow this laptop though. at least i can do my work much faster.
so...i guess that's all.
tata! :)
i've learned, or else realized, a lot facts these days. for one, i jz found out about smthing that's been going on for about a month now. what i fear is that it might've involved me, without myself realizing it. what saddens me is that i was kept in the dark about this. but, yeah..mayb she had her own reason for not telling me so it's ok i guess.
and then there's this 1 person i used to hate, which i decided 2 forgive, that had made me dislike him again. the thing is, even if i nvr was in love, that person had said a lot of things and had boldly promised a lot as well...and that made me angry because it seems like i really was jz another girl to him. and i can't believe i actually felt sorry for him. i see his true colors now...i guess i made the right decision. THANK GOD. :)
and then there's another guy. as usual. (hey...u can't blame me for being a girl. :D) the whole thing seemed to b funny at first, but now that it's over, i cant help being awkward evrytime we meet. i guess we were nvr meant 2 b. (aww..) and he was, and still is, just a friend. so please dont misinterpret my codes...aite?
and then there's an OTHER friend of mine...and i only like him as a friend. just friends. and it's another fear of mine that i might've lead him on..u know, let his hopes up. and i SWEAR i never meant for it to b like that. it's been fun being friends with him.
u know what else i'm afraid of? FINALS. i havent studied yet. at all. and then there's the presentation and assignments and midterms. i mean, who does a midterm exam on the end of the term? like, WTH?? and he just decided to give us assignments. right when i thought the torture is over... owh and about the asgmts? i've been keeping most of the notes, references and asgmnts i had in my 2GB kingmax pendrive and it's GONE. now i'm not really sure what 2 do cuz the english essay is due this week.. i left it in BK4 last friday... during all the excitement of sharing kuih i actually forgot the darn pndrive. it's a good thing i get to borrow this laptop though. at least i can do my work much faster.
so...i guess that's all.
tata! :)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
it's 4th October
Saturday, October 4, 2008
i want 2 write a rojak of things...
o ya. haqim's bday today. bah...jgn jelez..kbtulan dpt tau hri tu.. siyes ni..calender 2007 tu hlg...xingt bday kmu smwa...hehe... nyways..my mom's bday was 1st Oct..raya prtama ow..aha..next is Flo's...9th..
x lama lg bday ku.............2months...jz 2months left... :D
im bored...mls ni mau bt asgmt...tlampau byk... i jz dunno where 2 start.. lemme see...TITAS is due monday, falsafah n lab report on tuesday, english essay on wed, TKB mdterm + presentation n fieldwork report thurs....friday? owh...jmpa dr harun. asgmt ringan2 aja...haha...pastu silat.yeah! the best place to vent my anger...ngahaha....sabtu kokum la pla...haish...bla mo dating ni...(aiks?) hehehe.. kidding..
hmm...biasiswa...lum dpt...tseksa batinku mmikir laptop sepa kan dpnjam.. huhu.. mau on9 pun susa...smwa keja trbantut sb duit tu lum dpt.. well..actually sb diri cndri jg.. hndak seribu daya, x hndak sribu dalih kan... aku ja yg x mau...2la byk dalihnya..haha...
i want 2 go out...xkira la..beraya ka, tgk wyg ka...asalkan dpt ksronokkan nih.. haha.. tp teda pla org tlg mam cni. although actually it'd still be the same if i'm not here...cuz i'm not doing so much work here...sloth ma aku ni...liat mo bgrak.hahahha
boys...wat about them? nada.. (as in "nothing" in spanish) but i remembered 1 thing my friend said..pasal MENGURAT..haha... aku stil pns smpai skrg... dia kata, taktiknya kunu bgini... msa bru stat msg, truskan kacau dlm bbrapa hri, then stop n wait...until the girl msg back...klu dia sda stat msg balik, means dia suka la tu.. apakah.. ada org ble tlg bt kajian ka tu? cuz i hv a feeling it's happening to me right now.haha.... well....comments are welcomed, plz n tq..
raya...hm...it's ok. although my grandma's sick bcz of gastric..they said that she probably pushed herself during Ramadhan..so xdpt ni beraya. but she's eating again, last time i heard. so ok sda la. for me? it jz sucked cuz i didn get new shoes.. mum wanted 2 wait until after her Bday cuz she'd get a discount for 1 whole month..i can't remember, was it 30% or 50%.. we're also still waiting for that scolarship. i think we're supposed to have it like this month... i'm losing my patience.. but other than that, it's all good.. except for the fact that i was left to do the dirty work at home...my siblings were no help. oo..ingat kmu sda bsar kmu ble kuar ska ati la...nanti kamu...ngahaha... aiseh. xbha.. raya kan.. no hard feelings ma. (as if)
but at least i get to go home..
here's some pics...mcm hari alam sekitar ni

suasana d kg...

d rumah pck cilin...

aunties.. that's my sis with the long curls

cuzzies..miss them. huhu...
there's lots of other pics...but i 4got 2 ask them from my cousins... notice what colours we were wearing.. mostly green n blue. xsngaja bha tu. mcm mnyokong course aku ni. haha... the day b4 my family wore purple. too bad we didnt took a picture of us all..
so tu jak ah...4 now....
o ya. haqim's bday today. bah...jgn jelez..kbtulan dpt tau hri tu.. siyes ni..calender 2007 tu hlg...xingt bday kmu smwa...hehe... nyways..my mom's bday was 1st Oct..raya prtama ow..aha..next is Flo's...9th..
x lama lg bday ku.............2months...jz 2months left... :D
im bored...mls ni mau bt asgmt...tlampau byk... i jz dunno where 2 start.. lemme see...TITAS is due monday, falsafah n lab report on tuesday, english essay on wed, TKB mdterm + presentation n fieldwork report thurs....friday? owh...jmpa dr harun. asgmt ringan2 aja...haha...pastu silat.yeah! the best place to vent my anger...ngahaha....sabtu kokum la pla...haish...bla mo dating ni...(aiks?) hehehe.. kidding..
hmm...biasiswa...lum dpt...tseksa batinku mmikir laptop sepa kan dpnjam.. huhu.. mau on9 pun susa...smwa keja trbantut sb duit tu lum dpt.. well..actually sb diri cndri jg.. hndak seribu daya, x hndak sribu dalih kan... aku ja yg x mau...2la byk dalihnya..haha...
i want 2 go out...xkira la..beraya ka, tgk wyg ka...asalkan dpt ksronokkan nih.. haha.. tp teda pla org tlg mam cni. although actually it'd still be the same if i'm not here...cuz i'm not doing so much work here...sloth ma aku ni...liat mo bgrak.hahahha
boys...wat about them? nada.. (as in "nothing" in spanish) but i remembered 1 thing my friend said..pasal MENGURAT..haha... aku stil pns smpai skrg... dia kata, taktiknya kunu bgini... msa bru stat msg, truskan kacau dlm bbrapa hri, then stop n wait...until the girl msg back...klu dia sda stat msg balik, means dia suka la tu.. apakah.. ada org ble tlg bt kajian ka tu? cuz i hv a feeling it's happening to me right now.haha.... well....comments are welcomed, plz n tq..
raya...hm...it's ok. although my grandma's sick bcz of gastric..they said that she probably pushed herself during Ramadhan..so xdpt ni beraya. but she's eating again, last time i heard. so ok sda la. for me? it jz sucked cuz i didn get new shoes.. mum wanted 2 wait until after her Bday cuz she'd get a discount for 1 whole month..i can't remember, was it 30% or 50%.. we're also still waiting for that scolarship. i think we're supposed to have it like this month... i'm losing my patience.. but other than that, it's all good.. except for the fact that i was left to do the dirty work at home...my siblings were no help. oo..ingat kmu sda bsar kmu ble kuar ska ati la...nanti kamu...ngahaha... aiseh. xbha.. raya kan.. no hard feelings ma. (as if)
but at least i get to go home..
here's some pics...mcm hari alam sekitar ni
suasana d kg...
d rumah pck cilin...
aunties.. that's my sis with the long curls
cuzzies..miss them. huhu...
there's lots of other pics...but i 4got 2 ask them from my cousins... notice what colours we were wearing.. mostly green n blue. xsngaja bha tu. mcm mnyokong course aku ni. haha... the day b4 my family wore purple. too bad we didnt took a picture of us all..
so tu jak ah...4 now....
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